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 Kay  White Scholarship

Kay White

To honor Kay White for her many contributions to the Club and to Vashon gardens, the VMIGC awards the Kay White Scholarship to one or two high school seniors based on students' commitment to the study of horticulture, botany, environmental sciences, landscape architecture, or forestry.  


VMIGC provides cash for the scholarship(s) through the Vashon Community Scholarship Foundation.  The committee works with a Vashon High School counselor in identifying possible scholarship candidates.  It then reviews each candidate's qualifications and determines the number of scholarships and the amount of each.  The committee gives a progress report to the Board at the May meeting.

Scholarship Recipients

2024 Award Winner - Madeline Yarkin

I'm a hard working, optimistic person who loves to be active.  I enjoy learning new things at school and also by exploring the back woods and playing with the animals on my family's farm. I love to push myself in sports, in class or any other way I find to go out of my comfort zone. 

2024 Award Winner - Vivienne Tucker

My full name is Vivienne, but I go by "Viv".  I have a strong passion for the word around us, for plant sciences and spirituality.  In my free time you can find me in nature or practicing music.  I hope to attend a university in California and major in horticulture.

2024 Award Winner - Owen Dempsey

I grew up loving the outdoors and the ocean, which is where I spend most of my time.  I hope to spend my next four years studying in those fields.

2023 Award Winner - Oliver Churchill

Oliver Churchill is planning to attend Colorado College to study Environmental Science.  He has been volunteering with the Nature Center, Matsuda farm, and Zero Waste Vashon.  He has worked for a landscaping company; plays soccer, and enjoys backpacking and mountaineering.

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2023 Award Winner -  Amanda Kyles

Amanda Kyles is planning to attend Univ of Washington to study Marine Biology.  She has also been active in the community working with the Nature Center, and restoring Bull Kelp in Colvos Passage.  She was Phi-Beta-Kappa at Tacoma College with running start.  She enjoys running, and has worked for the Aeggies Farm Stand.

2022 Award Winner - Julia Papa

Julia Papa has a GPA of 3.95; she has done volunteer work including girls-to-girls to help support students in Kenya.  She has an interest in hiking, camping, and the outdoors.  She has worked on a Vashon farm for 6 years.  She plans to attend New York University for Liberal Studies.


2022 Award Winner - Mo Sennett

 Mo Sennott has a GPA of 3.4;  He has been a volunteer intern with Vashon Island Fire and Rescue (VIFR).  He is a transgendered male, world traveler, involved with arts and the theater.  Mo plans to attend Western Washington University and study Environmental Science.

2021 Award Winner - Dalton Kearns

 Dalton Kearns is headed to Boston University to study Marine Biology. During high school, Dalton participated for two years in the  Running Start program where he focused on comprehensive math and science courses.  His extra curricular activities include volunteering at the Seattle Aquarium.

2021 Award Winner - Paxtin Spencer  

Paxtin Spencer plans on attending  Western Washington University to study biology, ultimately heading to University of Hawaii, Hilo to study marine biology.  He has a solid plan to get to his objective. In addition, he holds a part time job and is a regular volunteer at the Food Bank

2020 Award Winner - Elliot French


Elliot French knows where he’s headed: to Montana State University to study sustainable agriculture. He’s been headed that direction since he was a youngster, when he became fascinated with a book he found in his Oma’s house that was all about traditional skills-building a log cabin, raising animals, growing and preserving food. He was a mere 6th grader when he started a non-profit, growing vegetables in alleyways in Rainier Valley and donating the produce to food banks. His family moved to Vashon when he was a teenager. In no time, Elliot had started a vegetable garden, built a chicken coop and soon had a little business selling rare breeds. He writes, “With every new piece of knowledge, I felt more connected to the earth’s rhythms and what I hope to be my work in the world.” Elliot will head off to Montana with awards from Kay White Garden Club and Vashon Rotary

2019 Award Winner - Destin Redeker


Destin is passionate about the vital issue of Industrial Waste and the ensuing for  contamination of our planet.  He has in part been inspired by his high school work with Zero Waste Vashon.

2018 Award Winner - Wyatt Keppler



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