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2023 marks our Club's 71th anniversary!


Formed in 1952 to foster interest in gardening, our membership has grown to over 100 gardeners. Separating from the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs in 1990 shifted our focus from flower arranging workshops and competitions to native plantings for water-wise use. In 1998 we incorporated as a non-profit.  Pat Highet, a past president, first introduced the cricket design on the directory cover.  It was updated by Steve Amos and officially adopted as our logo in 2017 with the tagline “We dig it!”


Our Mission promotes environmentally sound gardening practices and the preservation of native plants and wildlife.  The Garden Club funds horticulture programs in Island schools and awards scholarships to High School seniors.  Each year, VMIGC recognizes notable non-members, private and commercial gardens for their outstanding commitment to gardening.  Selected gardeners are recognized for their gardens at an annual dinner.  In 2019 and 2022, VMIGC awarded Vashon Land Trust for Matsuda Farm grants for new greenhouse tables and repair of the seeding greenhouse plastic. The Garden Club entered into an agreement with Land Trust to share greenhouse space with Matsuda Farm beginning in the Fall of 2019 for plant sale propagation.


Annual membership fees, once 10 cents per meeting, are now $20 annually.  Revenue also comes from the Club's annual plant sale. Beginning as a plant exchange it is now the Island's Spring gardening event! The sale of plants grown and donated by Club members typically raises over $12,000 to support our charitable efforts.


Monthly meetings from September to June are open to the public. Meetings provide an opportunity to share horticulture knowledge and include presentations by guest speakers. Summers are filled with fun visits to member's open gardens and workshops.





Read more about VMIGC history.

We dig it!

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