Community Garden Awards

Each year the Garden Club holds an Awards event in November to acknowledge non-garden club homeowners and businesses who have enhanced the natural beauty of our environment by creating outstanding or unusual gardens.
A committee of Garden Club members selects three to four gardens of islanders, who do not belong to the Garden Club, for recognition as good examples of outstanding horticulture practices. These gardens must be maintained by the owners, and they may be either private or commercial gardens. These owners are honored at our annual Awards Event, which is attended by the award recipients, Garden Club members and their guests. A certificate is awarded for each garden, along with video and poster presentations. These gardeners' outstanding efforts are also recognized in the local media. This is a fun, social event and an opportunity for Garden Club members and their guests to appreciate interesting and unique gardens and create new friendships!

Awards Banquet held at Vashon Center for the Arts - November 6th, 2023


Special thanks to all who contributed in making this evening a success!